Saturday, June 18, 2016

Thoughts on Xbox One Project Scorpio


By now you have definitely heard about Project Scorpio from Xbox's E3 Press Conference, before we get into my opinion lets review the hardware. Project Scorpio will have an 8 core CPU, 6 Teraflop GPU, 4K video output, VR compatibility and all games accessories from previous Xbox One hardware will work on Project Scorpio. So there is no doubt about it this is a pretty powerful piece of equipment. 

With that out of the way I wanted to throw out my thoughts on the new box. While watching the event the first thing I noticed is that the design for Project Scorpio is made of opinions from game developers. This is exciting because if you are making a console based on developer recommendations that means they probably have some game contracts in the works already. That is beneficial for Xbox players because we won't have to worry about good content. 

The elephant in the room is VR capability which in my opinion is the reason this machine has such powerful hardware. VR is very early in development and for that reason I haven't really formed an opinion about it other then the fact that I think the technology is super innovative and if done right will be amazing. I would love to be able to put on my VR headset and be inside the Master Chief Armor or sitting in the drivers seat of my favorite car in Forza. I guess all i'm saying is he potential is there but I need to see it develop a little further,

It's not all upside though as I see a couple of potential problems that could arise. First of all is the price as a quick reference point I looked up the price of an Oculus Rift as they had someone playing Minecraft using it on stage and it currently sells for $599 which is already more then I payed for my Xbox One within the first month of its release. Add the actual price of the Project Scorpio which in my mind can't be cheap because it has such powerful specs and we will see issues for the everyday consumer to purchase the equipment. 

Secondly, I know I mentioned earlier how we wouldn't have to worry about content but when it comes to VR what will we actually get? I want to be playing AAA VR games not random games made for the VR gear, I back to the Kinect and I shiver because of its terrible games lineup, hopefully they choose a much different direction for VR.

All of this to say I am very excited about the announcement of Project Scorpio and I really hope it will be affordable for everyone and come with a super awesome line-up of VR games! Hope you enjoyed the blog and I would love to know your thoughts! 

Have a great day! 

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